HTML Color Hex - PDF Pattern


Nearly a year in the making, this pattern is a conversion of the HTML Color Hex to cross stitch using only standard DMC colors. Each thread color was carefully chosen to not only represent the hex color independently, but to also shade and tone match to its neighboring hexes. This was honestly a (very long) labor of love, and I’m really proud of how it turned out. So whether you’re a cross stitch designer, computer graphics lover, or you just admire good, colorful rainbow art, I hope that you enjoy this pattern!

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This is a PDF download of the pattern “HTML Color Hex”.

Finished design is 104 x 93 stitches, or 7.43” x 6.64” on 14 ct Aida.

Instructions are given for DMC colors and 127 unique colors are used.

This pattern is for personal use only and should not be copied/sold for profit. But please feel free to share photos of your finished work! #craftxperiment

If you find that you need the pattern altered in any way (larger format, different symbols), reach out via email. I will happily make the pattern more accessible.